Newsletter 3 – November 2020
Updated 19 December 2020
In Transit Newsletter 1 September 2020, we told you that we’re creating a new instance of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) specifically for Northern Ireland.
This newsletter explains why the UK will have 2 NCTS systems from 1 January 2021, the implications for NCTS users and the technical changes to the guarantee reference amounts.
Dual NCTS system from 1 January 2021
As a result of the UK leaving the EU and moving to the Common Transit Convention in its own right as a contracting party, the benefits of transit usage have been retained for UK businesses.
From 1 January 2021, transit movements to and from the UK will no longer be under Union Transit but under Common Transit. However, due to the needs of the Northern Ireland Protocol where transit movements will be treated as beginning or ending under Union Transit, this will exclude Northern Ireland.
This means that while the declaration data sets for Union and Common Transit are identical, completion rules for data items will sometimes differ between the 2 types of transit. For example, some information that may be optional under Union Transit will be mandatory under Common Transit or the other way round, according to the conditions and rules defined by the Common Transit Convention.
We have therefore introduced a separate NCTS service specifically for Northern Ireland to make sure the Common Transit Convention conditions and its rules are applied correctly.
Dual NCTS implementation overview – changes from 1 January 2021
Great Britain NCTS
From 1 January 2021 the existing Great Britain NCTS service will switch from Union Transit operation to Common Transit operation and from this point onwards it will only accept:
- departure and arrival declarations for Transit offices located in mainland Great Britain
- Crown Dependencies (Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
It will no longer accept the departure and arrival declarations for Transit offices located in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland NCTS
From 1 January 2021 the Northern Ireland NCTS service will go live and operate in Union Transit mode. It will only accept departure and arrival declarations in respect of Transit offices located in Northern Ireland.
It will not accept:
- departure and arrival declarations for Transit offices located in mainland Great Britain
- Crown Dependencies (Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
The country codes for the dual system
All Common Transit Convention members and their mode of transit operation (such as Union or Common) are identified within common reference data shared between all members’ NCTS systems. This is essential to make sure declaration data meets the applicable conditions and rules of the countries involved in any given transit movement.
As a result of this, the Great Britain and Northern Ireland NCTS services will operate with separate country codes:
- Great Britain NCTS will keep its country prefix GB
- Northern Ireland NCTS will use the prefix XI
NCTS needs region specific reference data, such as customs office codes, guarantee reference numbers and Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) (also known as Trader Identification Number) to include the applicable country code.
- customs offices located in mainland Great Britain, pre-existing EORIs and related guarantees will therefore keep their GB prefix for the Great Britain NCTS service
- customs offices located in Northern Ireland, new Northern Ireland specific EORIs and related guarantees will all have the prefix XI (for example, the office code for Belfast Entry Process Unit will change from GB000142 to XI000142)
HMRC is identifying affected businesses who already hold a GB prefix EORI and will automatically issue them with an XI prefix EORI.
Traders with establishments or operations in Northern Ireland, or a history of trading with Northern Ireland, will be auto-allocated an XI prefix EORI, and will receive a notification by letter to confirm this.
You will also receive additional information concerning XI EORIs and their usage in a separate form of communications.
Implications for NCTS users
We have already contacted NCTS software developers to make them aware of the changes and provided a test environment so that they can make the necessary amendments.
Changes to transit declaration completion
In Customs Information Paper (CIP 7), ‘New Computerised Transit System Transit Declaration Completion’, we told you that the UK would become a contracting party to the Common Transit Convention and the effect of Common Transit operation on your NCTS declarations. The changes identified within CIP 7 will all take effect from 1 January 2021.
The restrictions around Transport International Routiers and the need to complete the office of transit field will also apply to Northern Ireland transits where the movement crosses Great Britain mainland including Crown Dependencies (Channel Islands and Isle of Man).
Changes to guarantee reference amounts
The need to give an accurate guarantee reference amount for guarantee types 0, 1, 2, 4 and 9 will be implemented in both Great Britain and Northern Ireland NCTS systems from 14 January 2021.
In exceptional circumstances, where you are unable to determine the guarantee reference amount, the Common Transit Convention allows the amount to be fixed at 10,000 euros for each transit operation.
For guarantee types 0, 1, 2, 4 and 9 where no reference amount is contained within the Transit declaration the system will automatically add the equivalent of 10,000 euros in sterling.
This will apply in all circumstances except for national transit movements, for example, Great Britain to Great Britain. National transit is not supported by the Common Transit Convention however, the UK will continue to allow its usage as a trade facilitation.
In addition, guarantee type 8 ‘guarantee not required for certain public bodies’ will no longer be valid for mainland Great Britain and Crown Dependencies (Channel Islands and Isle of Man).
Newsletter 2 – November 2020
Updated 19 December 2020
In Transit Newsletter 1 September 2020, we told you that we’re creating a new instance of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) specifically for Northern Ireland and that from 1 January 2021, as an interim solution, the submission channel for Northern Ireland departure and arrival notifications would initially be by email only.
While we are continuing to progress work on the new digital channel and enhanced web portal, we have listened to software suppliers and prioritised work on the existing XML channel. This means that from 1 January 2021 you’ll be able to use the existing XML channel to submit departure and arrival messages for both GB and NI NCTS instances.
Further guidance about wider transit will be published at a later date.
Start or end transit movements in Northern Ireland
You should check with your software supplier to ensure that you’ll be ready and able to submit declarations affected by this change from 1 January 2021. We are unable to recommend software packages or suppliers to you.
We are already working with NCTS software suppliers to allow them to make the required changes and provide updates to their users in time for 1 January 2021.
If you’re a software supplier and have not been contacted
If you’re a supplier and have not been contacted by HMRC, get in touch with your usual contact or email the Software Developer Support team at
If you use in-house software
Contact the Software Developer Support Team at
Newsletter 1 – September 2020
Updated 19 December 2020
From 1 January 2021 you may want to use transit to transport goods to and from Northern Ireland. To enable transit users to start movements in Northern Ireland complying with the Northern Ireland Protocol agreement and allowing transit users in Northern Ireland to benefit from the Union Customs Code, a separate version of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) has been created. This version will only be used in Northern Ireland.
As an NCTS user, at present you will be using either the free to use web portal or a software package to interact with NCTS.
From 1 January 2021, the submission channel for Northern Ireland departure and arrival notifications will initially be by software only. You will need to make sure that your software is able to interact with NCTS using email.
This is an interim solution while work continues to enable a new digital channel and enhanced web portal.
Further guidance about wider transit will be published at a later date.
Start or end transit movements in Northern Ireland
You should make sure your software is updated before 1 January 2021. You should check with your software supplier to ensure you will be ready and able to submit declarations affected by this change from 1 January 2021. We are unable to recommend software packages or suppliers to you.
We are already working with NCTS software suppliers to allow them to make the required changes and provide updates to their users in time for 1 January 2021.
Software suppliers will begin testing these changes from mid October.
If you’re a software supplier and have not been contacted
If you’re a supplier and have not received any contact from HMRC get in touch with your usual contact or email the Software Developer Support team at
If you use in-house software
Contact the Software Developer Support Team at
If you can’t make these changes in time
If you’re not able to make these updates for 1 January 2021 you will not be able to use NCTS to start or end transit movements in Northern Ireland.
You will still be able to start and end movements in Great Britain using either the free to use web portal or a software package to interact with NCTS. This will include goods that originate in Northern Ireland and are moved to Great Britain under unfettered access.
Or you can find someone to deal with customs for you.
Newsletter 3 – December 2019
Updated 19 December 2020
Errors in stating offices of transit on New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) declarations
Business are reminded that when sending goods to or through a Common Transit Convention country, they must give the appropriate offices of transit in their NCTS declaration.
The EU Delegated Regulation 2015/2446, Annex B, states that the declarant must give the identifying number of the office of transit in the country that the vehicle is entering.
The Swiss authorities have raised the issue that the incorrect offices of transit are being used. For transit movements from the UK to Switzerland, the French transit office FR004050, St Louis Autoroute is being given in error. The correct information to use is: CH001841 Basel, St.Louis Autobahn (or CH001801 Basel Weil Autobahn).
The identifying number of each office of transit is given in the European Commission’s Customs Office list.
When the UK leaves the EU, office of transit procedures will be needed at either the first office on entry to the territory of the EU or the first office on entry to the territory of the UK.
Newsletter 1 – June 2019
Updated 19 December 2020
Offices of Transit on NCTS declarations
Offices of transit occur at borders between the European Union, a Common Transit country, or a third country, when goods leave and/or enter the EU during the course of a transit movement.
Business are reminded that when sending goods to or via a Common Transit Convention country, they must state the appropriate Offices of Transit in their NCTS declaration.
The EU Delegated Regulation 2015/2446, Annex B, states that the declarant must give the identifying number of the office of transit in the country that the vehicle is entering.
For example, if the vehicle is going from France to Switzerland, the identifying number of the office on the Swiss side of the frontier must be given. For the Swiss office of Basel this would be CH001801 (Basel Weil Autobahn).
The identifying number of each office of transit is given in the European Commission’s Customs Office List.
When the UK exits the EU, Office of Transit procedures will be required at either the first office on entry to the territory of the EU or the first office on entry to the territory of the UK.
Mary Ezebude
James Odell
Export and Transit Policy Team