Customs & Trade Facilitation EU UK Agreement

Chapter 5: Customs and trade facilitation

Article CUSTMS.1: Objective

The objectives of this Chapter are:

(a) to reinforce cooperation between the Parties in the area of customs and trade facilitation and to support or maintain, where relevant, appropriate levels of compatibility of their customs legislation and practices with a view to ensuring that relevant legislation and procedures, as well as the administrative capacity of the relevant administrations, fulfil the objectives of promoting trade facilitation while ensuring effective customs controls and effective enforcement of customs legislation and trade related laws and regulations, the proper protection of security and safety of citizens and the respect of prohibitions and restrictions and financial interests of the Parties;

(b) to reinforce administrative cooperation between the Parties in the field of VAT and mutual assistance in claims related to taxes and duties;

(c) to ensure that the legislation of each Party is non-discriminatory and that customs procedures are based upon the use of modern methods and effective controls to combat fraud and to promote legitimate trade; and

(d) to ensure that legitimate public policy objectives, including in relation to security, safety and the fight against fraud are not compromised in any way.

Article CUSTMS.1a: Definitions

For the purposes of this Chapter and ANNEX CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators] and the Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters and the Protocol on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of Value Added Tax and on mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes and duties, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection” means the Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

(b) “ATA and Istanbul Conventions” means the Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods done in Brussels on 6 December 1961 and the Istanbul Convention on Temporary Admission done on 26 June 1990;

(c) “Common Transit Convention” means the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure;

(d) “Customs Data Model of the WCO” means the library of data components and electronic templates for the exchange of business data and compilation of international standards on data and information used in applying regulatory facilitation and controls in global trade, as published by the WCO Data Model Project Team from time to time;

(e) “customs legislation” means any legal or regulatory provision applicable in the territory of either Party, governing the entry or import of goods, exit or export of goods, the transit of goods and the placing of goods under any other customs regime or procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control;

(f) “information” means any data, document, image, report, communication or authenticated copy, in any format, including in electronic format, whether or not processed or analysed;

(g) “person” means any person as defined in point (m) of Article OTH.1 [Definitions] of Title XVII [OTHER PROVISIONS]5;

(h) “SAFE Framework” means the SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade adopted at the June 2005 World Customs Organisation Session in Brussels and as updated from time to time; and

(i) “WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement” means the Agreement on Trade Facilitation annexed to the Protocol Amending the WTO Agreement (decision of 27 November 2014).

Article CUSTMS.2: Customs cooperation

1. The relevant authorities of the Parties shall cooperate on customs matters to support the objectives set out in Article CUSTMS.1 [Objective], taking into account the resources of their respective authorities. For the purpose of this Title [Trade in goods], the Convention of 20 May 1987 on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods applies.

2. The Parties shall develop cooperation, including in the following areas:

(a) exchanging information concerning customs legislation, the implementation of customs legislation and customs procedures; particularly in the following areas:

(i) the simplification and modernisation of customs procedures;

(ii) the facilitation of transit movements and transhipment;

(iii) relations with the business community; and

(iv) supply chain security and risk management;

(b) working together on the customs-related aspects of securing and facilitating the international trade supply chain in accordance with the SAFE Framework;

(c) considering developing joint initiatives relating to import, export and other customs procedures including technical assistance, as well as towards ensuring an effective service to the business community;

(d) strengthening their cooperation in the field of customs in international organisations such as the WTO and the WCO, and exchanging information or holding discussions with a view to establishing where possible common positions in those international organisations and in UNCTAD, UNECE;

(e) endeavouring to harmonise their data requirements for import, export and other customs procedures by implementing common standards and data elements in accordance with the Customs Data Model of the WCO;

5 For greater certainty, it is understood that, in particular for the purposes of this Chapter, the notion of “person” includes any association of persons lacking the legal status of a legal person but recognized under applicable law as having the capacity to perform legal acts.

(f) strengthening their cooperation on risk management techniques, including sharing best practices, and, where appropriate, risk information and control results. Where relevant and appropriate, the Parties may also consider mutual recognition of risk management techniques, risk standards and controls and customs security measures; the Parties may also consider, where relevant and appropriate, the development of compatible risk criteria and standards, control measures and priority control areas;

(g) establishing mutual recognition of Authorised Economic Operator programmes to secure and facilitate trade;

(h) fostering cooperation between customs and other government authorities or agencies in relation to Authorised Economic Operator programmes, which may be achieved, inter alia, by agreeing on the highest standards, facilitating access to benefits and minimising unnecessary duplication;

(i) enforcing intellectual property rights by customs authorities, including exchanging information and best practices in customs operations focusing in particular on intellectual property rights enforcement;

(j) maintaining compatible customs procedures, where appropriate and practicable to do so, including the application of a single administrative document for customs declaration; and

(k) exchanging, where relevant and appropriate and under arrangements to be agreed, certain categories of customs-related information between the customs authorities of the Parties through structured and recurrent communication, for the purposes of improving risk management and the effectiveness of customs controls, targeting goods at risk in terms of revenue collection or safety and security, and facilitating legitimate trade; such exchanges may include export and import declaration data on trade between the Parties, with the possibility of exploring, through pilot initiatives, the development of interoperable mechanisms to avoid duplication in the submission of such information. Exchanges under this point shall be without prejudice to exchanges of information that may take place between the Parties pursuant to the Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters.

3. Without prejudice to other forms of cooperation envisaged in this Agreement, the customs authorities of the Parties shall provide each other with mutual administrative assistance in the matters covered by this Chapter in accordance with the Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters.

4. Any exchange of information between the Parties under this Chapter shall be subject to the confidentiality and protection of information set out in Article 12 of the Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters [Information exchange and confidentiality], mutatis mutandis, as well as to any confidentiality requirements set out in the legislation of the Parties.

Article CUSTMS.3: Customs and other trade related legislation and procedures

1. Each Party shall ensure that its customs provisions and procedures:

(a) are consistent with international instruments and standards applicable in the area of customs and trade, including the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, the substantive elements of the Revised Kyoto Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures, the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, as well as the SAFE Framework and the Customs Data Model of the WCO;

(b) provide the protection and facilitation of legitimate trade taking into account the evolution of trade practices through effective enforcement including in case of breaches of its laws and regulations, duty evasion and smuggling and through ensuring compliance with legislative requirements;

(c) are based on legislation that is proportionate and non-discriminatory, avoids unnecessary burdens on economic operators, provides for further facilitation for operators with high levels of compliance including favourable treatment with respect to customs controls prior to the release of goods, and ensures safeguards against fraud and illicit or damageable activities while ensuring a high level of protection of security and safety of citizens and the respect of prohibitions and restrictions and financial interests of the parties; and

(d) contain rules that ensure that any penalty imposed for breaches of customs regulations or procedural requirements is proportionate and non-discriminatory and that the imposition of such penalties does not result in unjustified delays.

Each Party should periodically review its legislation and customs procedures. Customs procedures should also be applied in a manner that is predictable, consistent and transparent.

2. In order to improve working methods and to ensure non-discrimination, transparency, efficiency, integrity and the accountability of operations, each Party shall:

(a) simplify and review requirements and formalities wherever possible with a view to ensuring the rapid release and clearance of goods;

(b) work towards the further simplification and standardisation of the data and documentation required by customs and other agencies; and

(c) promote coordination between all border agencies, both internally and across borders, to facilitate border-crossing processes and enhance control, taking into account joint border controls where feasible and appropriate.

Article CUSTMS.4: Release of goods

1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain customs procedures that:

(a) provide for the prompt release of goods within a period that is no longer than necessary to ensure compliance with its laws and regulations;

(b) provide for advance electronic submission and processing of documentation and any other required information prior to the arrival of the goods, to enable the release of goods promptly upon arrival if no risk has been identified through risk analysis or if no random checks or other checks are to be performed;

(c) provide for the possibility, where appropriate and if the necessary conditions are satisfied, of releasing goods for free circulation at the first point of arrival; and

(d) allow for the release of goods prior to the final determination of customs duties, taxes, fees and charges, if such a determination is not done prior to, or upon arrival, or as rapidly as possible after arrival and provided that all other regulatory requirements have been met.

2. As a condition for such release, each Party may require a guarantee for any amount not yet determined in the form of a surety, a deposit or another appropriate instrument provided for in its laws and regulations. Such guarantee shall not be greater than the amount the Party requires to ensure payment of customs duties, taxes, fees and charges ultimately due for the goods covered by the guarantee. The guarantee shall be discharged when it is no longer required.

3. The Parties shall ensure that the customs and other authorities responsible for border controls and procedures dealing with importation, exportation and transit of goods cooperate with one another and coordinate their activities in order to facilitate trade and expedite the release of goods.

Article CUSTMS.5: Simplified customs procedures

1. Each Party shall work towards simplification of its requirements and formalities for customs procedures in order to reduce the time and costs thereof for traders or operators, including small and medium-sized enterprises.

2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain measures allowing traders or operators fulfilling criteria specified in its laws and regulations to benefit from further simplification of customs procedures. Such measures may include inter alia:

(a) customs declarations containing a reduced set of data or supporting documents;

(b) periodical customs declarations for the determination and payment of customs duties and taxes covering multiple imports within a given period after the release of those imported goods;

(c) self-assessment of and the deferred payment of customs duties and taxes until after the release of those imported goods; and

(d) the use of a guarantee with a reduced amount or a waiver from the obligation to provide a guarantee.

3. Where a Party chooses to adopt one of these measures, it will offer, where considered appropriate and practicable by that Party and in accordance with its laws and regulations, these simplifications to all traders who meet the relevant criteria.

Article CUSTMS.6: Transit and transhipment

1. For the purposes of Article GOODS.4a [Freedom of Transit], the Common Transit Convention shall apply.

2. Each Party shall ensure the facilitation and effective control of transhipment operations and transit movements through their respective territories.

3. Each Party shall promote and implement regional transit arrangements with a view to facilitating trade in compliance with the Common Transit Convention.

4. Each Party shall ensure cooperation and coordination between all concerned authorities and agencies in their respective territories in order to facilitate traffic in transit.

5. Each Party shall allow goods intended for import to be moved within its territory under customs control from a customs office of entry to another customs office in its territory from where the goods would be released or cleared.

Article CUSTMS.7: Risk management

1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain a risk management system for customs controls with a view to reducing the likelihood and the impact of an event which would prevent the correct application of customs legislation, compromise the financial interest of the Parties or pose a threat to the security and safety of the Parties and their residents, to human, animal or plant health, to the environment or to consumers.

2. Customs controls, other than random checks, shall primarily be based on risk analysis using electronic data-processing techniques.

3. Each Party shall design and apply risk management in such a manner as to avoid arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination, or disguised restrictions to international trade.

4. Each Party shall concentrate customs controls and other relevant border controls on high-risk consignments and shall expedite the release of low-risk consignments. Each Party may also select consignments for such controls on a random basis as part of its risk management.

5. Each Party shall base risk management on the assessment of risk through appropriate selectivity criteria.

Article CUSTMS.8: Post-clearance audit

1. With a view to expediting the release of goods, each Party shall adopt or maintain post- clearance audit to ensure compliance with customs and other related laws and regulations.

2. Each Party shall select persons and consignments for post-clearance audits in a risk-based manner, which may include using appropriate selectivity criteria. Each Party shall conduct post- clearance audits in a transparent manner. Where a person is involved in the audit process and conclusive results have been achieved, the Party shall notify the person whose record is audited of the results, the person’s rights and obligations and the reasons for the results, without delay.

3. The information obtained in post-clearance audits may be used in further administrative or judicial proceedings.

4. The Parties shall, wherever practicable, use the results of post-clearance audit for risk management purposes.

Article CUSTMS.9: Authorised Economic Operators

1. Each Party shall maintain a partnership programme for operators who meet the specified criteria in Annex CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators].

2. The Parties shall recognise their respective programmes for Authorised Economic Operators in accordance with Annex CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators].

Article CUSTMS.10: Publication and availability of information

1. Each Party shall ensure that its customs legislation and other trade-related laws and regulations, as well as its general administrative procedures and relevant information of general application that relate to trade, are published and readily available to any interested person in an easily accessible manner, including, as appropriate, through the Internet.

2. Each Party shall promptly publish new legislation and general procedures related to customs and trade facilitation issues as early as possible prior to the entry into force of any such legislation or procedures, and shall promptly publish any changes to and interpretations of such legislation and procedures. Such publication shall include:

(a) relevant notices of administrative nature;

(b) importation, exportation and transit procedures (including port, airport, and other entry-point procedures) and required forms and documents;

(c) applied rates of duty and taxes of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation;

(d) fees and charges imposed by or for governmental agencies on or in connection with importation, exportation or transit;

(e) rules for the classification or valuation of products for customs purposes;

(f) laws, regulations and administrative rulings of general application relating to rules of origin;

(g) import, export or transit restrictions or prohibitions;

(h) penalty provisions against breaches of import, export or transit formalities;

(i) appeal procedures;

(j) agreements or parts thereof with any country or countries relating to importation, exportation or transit;

(k) procedures relating to the administration of tariff quotas;

(l) hours of operation and operating procedures for customs offices at ports and border crossing points; and

(m) points of contact for information enquiries.

3. Each Party shall ensure there is a reasonable time period between the publication of new or amended legislation, procedures and fees or charges and their entry into force.

4. Each Party shall make the following available through the internet:

(a) a description of its importation, exportation and transit procedures, including appeal procedures, informing of the practical steps needed to import and export, and for transit;

(b) the forms and documents required for importation into, exportation from, or transit through the territory of that Party; and

(c) contact information regarding enquiry points.

Each party shall ensure that the descriptions, forms, documents and information referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph are kept up to date.

5. Each Party shall establish or maintain one or more enquiry points to answer enquiries of governments, traders and other interested parties regarding customs and other trade-related matters within a reasonable time. The Parties shall not require the payment of a fee for answering enquiries.

Article CUSTMS.11: Advance rulings

1. Each Party, through its customs authorities, shall issue advance rulings upon application by economic operators setting forth the treatment to be accorded to the goods concerned. Such rulings shall be issued in writing or in electronic format in a time bound manner and shall contain all necessary information in accordance with the legislation of the issuing Party.

2. Advance rulings shall be valid for a period of at least three years from the starting date of their validity unless the ruling no longer conforms to the law or the facts or circumstances supporting the original ruling have changed.

3. A Party may refuse to issue an advance ruling if the question raised in the application is the subject of an administrative or judicial review, or if the application does not relate to any intended use of the advance ruling or any intended use of a customs procedure. If a Party declines to issue an advance ruling, it shall promptly notify the applicant in writing, setting out the relevant facts and the basis for its decision.

4. Each Party shall publish, at least:

(a) the requirements for applying for an advance ruling, including the information to be provided and the format;

(b) the time period by which it will issue an advance ruling; and

(c) the length of time for which the advance ruling is valid.

5. If a Party revokes, modifies, invalidates or annuls an advance ruling, it shall provide written notice to the applicant setting out the relevant facts and the basis for its decision. A Party shall only revoke, modify, invalidate or annul an advance ruling with retroactive effect if the ruling was based on incomplete, incorrect, false or misleading information.

6. An advance ruling issued by a Party shall be binding on that Party in respect of the applicant that sought it. The Party may provide that the advance ruling is binding on the applicant.

7. Each Party shall provide, at the written request of the holder, a review of an advance ruling or of a decision to revoke, modify or invalidate an advance ruling.

8. Each Party shall make publicly available information on advance rulings, taking into account the need to protect personal and commercially confidential information.

9. Advance rulings shall be issued with regard to:

(a) the tariff classification of goods;

(b) the origin of goods; and

(c) any other matter the Parties may agree upon.

Article CUSTMS.12: Customs brokers

The customs provisions and procedures of a Party shall not require the mandatory use of customs brokers or other agents. Each Party shall publish its measures on the use of customs brokers. Each Party shall apply transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate rules if and when licensing customs brokers.

Article CUSTMS.13: Pre-shipment inspections

A Party shall not require the mandatory use of pre-shipment inspections as defined in the WTO Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection, or any other inspection activity performed at destination, by private companies, before customs clearance.

Article CUSTMS.14: Review and appeal

1. Each Party shall provide effective, prompt, non-discriminatory and easily accessible procedures that guarantee the right of appeal against administrative actions, rulings and decisions of customs or other competent authorities that affect the import or export of goods or goods in transit.

2. The procedures referred to in paragraph 1 shall include:

(a) an administrative appeal to or review by an administrative authority higher than or independent of the official or office that issued the decision; and

(b) a judicial appeal or review of the decision.

3. Each Party shall ensure that, in cases where the decision on appeal or review under point (a) of paragraph 2 is not given within the time period provided for in its laws and regulations or is not given without undue delay, the petitioner has the right to further administrative or judicial appeal or review or any other recourse to judicial authority in accordance with that Party’s laws and regulations.

4. Each Party shall ensure that the petitioner is provided with the reasons for the administrative decision so as to enable the petitioner to have recourse to appeal or review procedures where necessary.

Article CUSTMS.15: Relations with the business community

1. Each Party shall hold timely and regular consultations with trade representatives on legislative proposals and general procedures related to customs and trade facilitation issues. To that end, appropriate consultation between administrations and the business community shall be maintained by each Party.

2. Each Party shall ensure that its customs and related requirements and procedures continue to meet the needs of the trading community, follow best practices, and restrict trade as little as possible.

Article CUSTMS.16: Temporary admission

1. For the purposes of this Article, ‘temporary admission’ means the customs procedure under which certain goods, including means of transport, can be brought into a customs territory with conditional relief from the payment of import duties and taxes and without the application of import prohibitions or restrictions of an economic character, on the condition that the goods are imported for a specific purpose and are intended for re-exportation within a specified period without having undergone any change except normal depreciation due to the use made of those goods.

2. Each Party shall grant temporary admission, with total conditional relief from import duties and taxes and without application of import restrictions or prohibitions of economic character, as provided for in its laws and regulations, to the following types of goods:

(a) goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events (goods intended for display or demonstration at an event; goods intended for use in connection with the display of foreign products at an event; equipment including interpretation equipment, sound and image recording apparatus and films of an educational, scientific or cultural character intended for use at international meetings, conferences or congresses); products obtained incidentally during the event from temporarily imported goods, as a result of the demonstration of displayed machinery or apparatus;

(b) professional equipment (equipment for the press, for sound or television broadcasting which is necessary for representatives of the press, of broadcasting or television organisations visiting the territory of another country for purposes of reporting, in order to transmit or record material for specified programmes; cinematographic equipment necessary for a person visiting the territory of another country in order to make a specified film or films; any other equipment necessary for the exercise of the calling, trade or profession of a person visiting the territory of another country to perform a specified task, insofar as it is not to be used for the industrial manufacture or packaging of goods or (except in the case of hand tools) for the exploitation of natural resources, for the construction, repair or maintenance of buildings or for earth moving and like projects; ancillary apparatus for the equipment mentioned above, and accessories therefor); component parts imported for repair of professional equipment temporarily admitted;

(c) goods imported in connection with a commercial operation but whose importation does not in itself constitute a commercial operation (packings which are imported filled for re-exportation empty or filled, or are imported empty for re-exportation filled; containers, whether or not filled with goods, and accessories and equipment for temporarily admitted containers, which are either imported with a container to be re-exported separately or with another container, or are imported separately to be re-exported with a container and component parts intended for the repair of containers granted temporary admission; pallets; samples; advertising films; other goods imported in connection with a commercial operation);

(d) goods imported in connection with a manufacturing operation (matrices, blocks, plates, moulds, drawings, plans, models and other similar articles; measuring, controlling and checking instruments and other similar articles; special tools and instruments, imported for use during a manufacturing process); replacement means of production (instruments, apparatus and machines made available to a customer by a supplier or repairer, pending the delivery or repair of similar goods);

(e) goods imported exclusively for educational, scientific or cultural purposes (scientific equipment, pedagogic material, welfare material for seafarers, and any other goods imported in connection with educational, scientific or cultural activities); spare parts for scientific equipment and pedagogic material which has been granted temporary admission; tools specially designed for the maintenance, checking, gauging or repair of such equipment;

(f) personal effects (all articles, new or used, which a traveller may reasonably require for his or her personal use during the journey, taking into account all the circumstances of the journey, but excluding any goods imported for commercial purposes); goods imported for sports purposes (sports requisites and other articles for use by travellers in sports contests or demonstrations or for training in the territory of temporary admission);

(g) tourist publicity material (goods imported for the purpose of encouraging the public to visit another foreign country, in particular in order to attend cultural, religious, touristic, sporting or professional meetings or demonstrations held there);

(h) goods imported for humanitarian purposes (medical, surgical and laboratory equipment and relief consignments, such as vehicles and other means of transport, blankets, tents, prefabricated houses or other goods of prime necessity, forwarded as aid to those affected by natural disaster and similar catastrophes); and

(i) animals imported for specific purposes (dressage, training, breeding, shoeing or weighing, veterinary treatment, testing (for example, with a view to purchase), participation in shows, exhibitions, contests, competitions or demonstrations, entertainment (circus animals, etc.), touring (including pet animals of travellers), exercise of function (police dogs or horses; detector dogs, dogs for the blind, etc.), rescue operations, transhumance or grazing, performance of work or transport, medical purposes (delivery of snake poison, etc.).

3. Each Party shall, for the temporary admission of the goods referred to in paragraph 2 and regardless of their origin, accept a carnet as prescribed for the purposes of the ATA and Istanbul Conventions issued in the other Party, endorsed there and guaranteed by an association forming part of the international guarantee chain, certified by the competent authorities and valid in the customs territory of the importing Party.

Article CUSTMS 17. Single window

Each Party shall endeavour to establish a single window that enables traders to submit documentation or data required for importation, exportation, or transit of goods through a single entry point to the participating authorities or agencies.

Article CUSTMS 18. Facilitation of roll-on, roll-off traffic

1. In recognition of the high volume of sea-crossings and, in particular, the high volume of roll on, roll off traffic between their respective customs territories, the Parties agree to cooperate in order to facilitate such traffic as well as other alternative modes of traffic.

2. The Parties acknowledge:

(a) the right of each Party to adopt trade facilitating customs formalities and procedures for traffic between the Parties within their respective legal frameworks; and

(b) the right of ports, port authorities and operators to act, within the legal orders of their respective Parties, in accordance with their rules and their operating and business models.

3. To this effect the Parties:

(a) shall adopt or maintain procedures allowing for the submission of import documentation and other required information, including manifests, in order to begin processing prior to the arrival of goods with a view to expediting the release of goods upon arrival; and

(b) undertake to facilitate the use by operators of the transit procedure, including simplifications of the transit procedure as provided for under the Common Transit Convention.

4. The Parties agree to encourage cooperation between their respective customs authorities on bilateral sea-crossing routes, and to exchange information on the functioning of ports handling traffic between them and on the applicable rules and procedures. They will make public, and promote knowledge by operators of, information on the measures they have in place and the processes established by ports to facilitate such traffic.

Article CUSTMS.19: Administrative cooperation in VAT and mutual assistance for recovery of taxes and duties

The competent authorities of the Parties shall cooperate with each other to ensure compliance with VAT legislation and in recovering claims relating to taxes and duties in accordance with the Protocol on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of Value Added Tax and on mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes and duties.

Article CUSTMS. 20: Trade Specialised Committee on Customs Cooperation and Rules of Origin

1. The Trade Specialised Committee on Customs Cooperation and Rules of Origin shall:

(a) hold regular consultations; and

(b) in relation to the review of the provisions of the Annex CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators]:

(i) jointly validate programme members to identify strengths and weaknesses in implementing Annex CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators]; and

(ii) exchange views on data to be shared and treatment of operators.

2. The Trade Specialised Committee on Customs Cooperation and Rules of Origin may adopt decisions or recommendations:

(a) on the exchange of customs-related information, on mutual recognition of risk management techniques, risk standards and controls, customs security measures, on advanced rulings, on common approaches to customs valuation and on other issues related to the implementation of this Chapter;

(b) on the arrangements relating to the automatic exchange of information as referred to in Article 10 [Automatic exchange of information] of the Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters, and on other issues relating to the implementation of that Protocol;

(c) on any issues relating to the implementation of the Annex CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators]; and

(d) on the procedures for the consultation established in Article ORIG.26 [Denial of preferential tariff treatment] on any technical or administrative matters relating to the implementation of

Chapter 2 [Rules of Origin] of this Title, including on interpretative notes aimed at ensuring the uniform administration of the rules of origin.

Article CUSTMS.21: Amendments

1. The Partnership Council may amend:

(a) Annex CUSTMS-1 [Authorised Economic Operators], the Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters and the list of goods set out in paragraph 2 of CUSTMS.16 [Temporary admission]; and

(b) the Protocol on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of Value Added Tax and on mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes and duties.

2. The Trade Specialised Committee on Administrative Cooperation in VAT and recovery of taxes and duties may amend the value referred to in Article 33(4) of the Protocol on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of Value Added Tax and on mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes and duties.